Digital Mammography
Mammography is the most effective way to detect breast cancer before there are any signs or symptoms of the disease. Doctors recommend women age 40 or older should have an annual mammogram. However, if you have a family history of breast cancer, women are encouraged to speak to their doctor about getting a mammogram sooner.
Digital Mammography Tomosynthesis
Breast Cancer Society:
American College of Radiology:
American Cancer Society:
Digital Mammography is a quick, low-dose x-ray of the breast. There are two types of mammograms. The first is a screening mammogram used to check for breast cancer where there are no signs or symptoms of the disease. The second is a diagnostic mammogram used to further evaluate a breast lump or other symptom to check for the possible presence of breast cancer.
All you need is a doctor’s order. Do not wear any cologne, perfume, deodorant or powder before your mammogram. Pre-menopausal patients with breast tenderness during their period may want to have a mammogram after their cycle. Comparison of your current mammogram to past mammograms is important. Please bring your previous mammograms films or cds.